My debut... I now exist in the viral video world. Weird!
Check out the rest of the "I Promise" commercials here:
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Carrot Tops and Bloom
My first video! This is so funny - more interviewers should include conversations from message boards... am I right?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Reddy for beddy - Day Seven

But I'm not.
I also packed my office up today so I could move to another office on the other side of the floor and so I got to come home early which also makes it feel like vacation should be starting.
But it's not.
So - this is the last day of our blog-a-day challenge depending on how we're counting.
Um, because we said we would blog for seven days but then we also said we would blog from Thursday to Thursday which is actually eight days... I'm so confused. Maybe the habit will be formed and we'll just keep posting daily...?
I feel like I should go out with a bang but honestly - it's late, I'm tired, I have to sleep alone tonight and work tomorrow - and I haven't done my dishes yet (did I mention we gave away our dishwasher this week?).
Is it vacation now?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I Heart Puppies - Day Six

I have many friends who found their pets via a pet store or a breeder and I can't judge them for their choices - my dearly departed beagle was "rescued" from Petland, thus continuing their profits from selling dogs.
All I know is that there are a lot of dogs in this city looking for a home. Try surfing the dog category on kijiji - I stopped counting at 120 and the posts were only 8 hours old and still going!
Then add all the puppies in the windows of petstores and then add the dogs on the rescue websites. I confess to trolling all the rescue websites in the Calgary area and there are hundreds of dogs there too! How many new dog owners can there be out there?!
It makes my head spin and of course I want to save one or all! But I can't because I currently don't have a complete fence and my hubby is mildly allergic and "we" are enjoying our freedom without the responsibility of dog guardianship.
And that's another thing... all these dog owners trying to find new homes for their dogs because they "aren't giving their dog the amount of attention they deserve"... then why did you get a dog? Excuses, excuses... but I can't keep ranting about this or I won't sleep tonight.
On the bright side I will be spending the weekend in Creston with a whole herd of dogs; Chasey, Jake, Chief, Godfree and Jasper. This should help ease my dog-starved heart.
Do you want to save a dog? Here's where I found my list... and it's only a start:
Monday, May 17, 2010
Red Lights - Day Five
My hubby leaves in two days to Las Vegas, Nevada... for a stag.
From what I have gleened, the itinerary reads something like this:
Arrive in Vegas
Gamble and win money
Drink heavily
Repeat for five days
Leave Vegas
Oh and they also want to fit in helicopter tours, airplane dogfighting, renting luxury cars, outlet shopping, and of course, stealing Mike Tyson's tiger. I don't know if they'll have time to fit all that in but if they win at the tables like they plan to then they'll be laughing.
One more thing - my hubby wants a tattoo while he's down there.
This was his first idea:
He says I should like it because it's a redhead. Um, maybe if the maple leaf wasn't in her crotch...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Strawberries, Tomatoes & Beets - Day Four

What a fantastic Sunday!
After a rocky start at a very busy garden centre (we went pre-coffee and food - not good), hubby and I made it home with all our gardening necessities. And we proceeded to spend the next three hours toiling and planting and planting and toiling until... voila! A full garden!
Oh and did I mention the two hours the day before tilling and clearing the whole thing to remove the grass and weeds from years of neglect? I swung a pick axe! It was a proud moment...
Today starts to make up for the sting of my front flower beds. I actually planned ahead and
planted bulbs last fall (I love bulb plants - so easy) and low and behold the tulips started sprouting as soon as the last snow fell.
And then we proceeded to strip the house of it's layers of siding and even though we were careful, there were some flower casualties.
AND THEN the crews came in to trim the windows and stucco... and they were not as kind (although at first they tried). Now I have one tough tulip left, barely standing amid the ruin of tulip leaves. Sigh.
Okay wait - back to the positive. I will have tons of veggies and herbs to keep the family (and friends) fed through the summer and our kind neighbours across the street have offered some flower cuttings for the front beds so once the eaves are done, I can have flowers once again.
Life is good.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Well Red... Day Three

So I figured out my problem with blogging successfully. It seems I have a problem with focus.
You see I usually try to start with a nice visual touch however if I don't have a ready photo (which is often the case) I turn my attention to a lovely "bucket" website with lots of photos to search and then an hour or two later I realize I still haven't found a photo for my topic and I'm tired of the computer and don't like my topic anymore and I'm wasting my whole day and then I just give up.
So it all started when I was looking for an "I Heart Puppies" image for my blog today in advance of my soapbox rant about the number of puppy breeders posting on kijiji - serious journalism... and somehow I wound up with the penguins which made me giggle (and seemed apropo for our blog challenge and my use of the ...) and I've been staring a pictures of puppies which makes me happy so perhaps I'll put the soapbox away until tomorrow.
I found a few more gems too - but I think I'll have to save them. There are still four days of blogging to go. I may run out of things to say and just resort to pictures.
I'm a visual learner.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
It's a Small Red World - Day Two

Okay. This is my matchy-matchy celebrity sighting - I probably should have mentioned it earlier but I wasn't sure it was newsworthy. And no, I'm not trying to one-up Nic during the blog-a-day challenge... her sighting, complete with army fatigues, was way better. She just reminded me of a lovely memory...
Colin & Justin (from their zany decorating show) walking down the street in Calgary. I was on my way to yoga and was walking behind them. I probably wouldn't have even noticed but they were so nattily dressed. And they were carrying bags from Holt Renfrew and some big men's designer that I can't remember.
Were they on their way to the home decor shops on 11th Avenue? Perhaps.
Did I turn to go into my yoga studio and pretty much forget about my brush with fame? Yep.
One more question. Is it lame that I'm telling this story?
Let's rehash my list of famous people I've seen:
Val Kilmer in Paris
Stedman (talking to Oprah on the phone I'm pretty sure) in Calgary
Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick in New York (taking the subway - how cool is that!)
Paul Gross in Calgary
Gavin Rossdale with Kingston and Zuma in Calgary
LA - the city of famous people, where I should be able to spit and see someone famous - ZIP.
I'm still bitter...
Friday, May 7, 2010
Rusty... Day One

Ahh Spring... when it feels like you are waking up and then all of a sudden, the urge to get stuff done and cleaned and organized starts. Okay so maybe I'm not feeling that urge too strongly yet but I am feeling like I need to shake off the cobwebs.
Refresh. Renew.
So in the spirit of spring renewal I bought a second hand guitar and I'm trying in vain to capture the dormant music skills I used to have. Did you know I took guitar lessons when I was a kid? The guitar was adult size so maybe that's why I didn't quite take to it.

Oh and the guitar is the excuse I'm using for not blogging last week (not that I'm racked with guilt or anything, I'm a busy chick). The tips of my fingers were sore and tingly. Not good for typing. Apparently it takes two weeks for the fingertips to harden up. Two weeks of pain and I've wrecked my back somehow with my guitar posture... all in the name of finding something new to spend my spring energy on.
PS - the Blog-a-Day Challenge has begun!
Nic has finally got the first honest to goodness VanCity celeb sighting. I have a celeb sighting too... okay maybe two months ago but it still boggles the mind that I've seen more celebs in Calgary than my trip to LA. I'll save it for tomorrow - can you guess? Also a reality tv connection.
For 7 consecutive days let there be posts! And then we rest...
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