Sunday, February 6, 2011

Oscar Edition 2011 Updated!

So last weekend (thanks to another epic snowfall in C-Town) I managed to polish off four of the Best Picture nominees, bringing my total to six out of ten. This weekend, two more. Not bad eh? Let's break it all down...
Update: The last two movies have been watched, over a week ago, so yes, I'm behind on my blogging. I'm adding my reviews to this post so everything is in one spot. Less than a week until the big show - better figure out my other catagories!

I loved this movie when I saw it - smart, confusing, action-packed and filmed partially in Alberta. What's not for Oscar to love? Oh yeah, it came out months and months ago so it's wave of popularity peaked long ago. Plus the Academy seems to have some sort of grudge against Christopher Nolan. Sorry Mr. Nolan, sadly the best picture is typically the one with the best marketing push come January and Inception just wasn't played right.

The King's Speech
I saw this two weeks ago and it was lovely and mesmerizing. I'm a sucker for "stuffy English movies" anyway but this one had such humour and heart that it really deserves this chance on the podium. Some are saying this is riding the perfect wave to Oscar glory. Colin Firth carries the film beautifully and although some disagree with me I think Helena Bonham Carter gives an incredible performance.

The Social Network
I really wanted to hate this movie, there was so much hype and hoopla that really had me judging this before I'd even seen it. But that is why we see all the contenders so we can judge for ourselves what is worthy of the hype. I did find problems with this film, Justin Timberlake thinking he can act for one and the fact that the film seemed to drag at parts. For example, the regatta in England with the Winklevoss twins seemed a tad lengthy. I know it was necessary to reveal the twins final push into a lawsuit but really... and can I complain about the lack of strong female characters, aside from his ex-girlfriend, all the women were assistants or sluts or both... Overall though I enjoyed the story and characters and even the catchy music overlaying the scenes.

127 Hours
I did go into this movie with an open mind, after all Danny Boyle is a wonderfully unique director and Nic has so much faith in James Franco but... all I can say is that it was a good performance but I don't think he really captured the essence of Aron Rolston, no vocal changes, no mannerisms - that's always my biggest pet peeve about actors playing a real person - to me it was just James Franco with his hand crushed under a rock. And the beginning really seemed like he was trying too hard to get across how much the character LOVED the outdoors - it was a serious case of over-acting. I also found some of the hallucinations/flashbacks distracting but I also understand their purpose to keep the one man show interesting. Overall, a solid effort but not my favorite.

Winter's Bone
 Wow - a fascinating snapshot of a totally different way of life... it was confusing at times to figure out who was related to who and what was really going on but the acting was amazing. Jennifer Lawrence gave an effortless performance but I was actually more taken with the guy who played Teardrop, John Hawkes. I thought he was overlooked by Oscar but I just checked again and he's on there, phew! Only he's up against Christian Bale... I also thought the movie was interesting in it's use of female characters - where the Social Network has almost no relevant, strong female characters, Winter's Bone shows us some tough chicks who carry the movie through some of it's heaviest scenes. This movie will stay with you...

The Fighter
I really loved this movie - it grabbed me from the beginning and didn't let go until the credits rolled. I do love stories about the underdog and triumph against all odds (hmm, a lot of the best pic noms seem to have these similar themes) but the film adds this family element that is so complex and layered and, oh yeah, true! PS, James Franco you may want to ask Christian Bale for tips on how to embody a real life person because he nails it. And although Mark Wahlberg was pretty status quo he did make a nice balance to Christian Bale's larger than life antics. And the fight scenes (in and out of the ring) had me on the edge of my seat. I wish this had a bit more hype for the final show but it just doesn't seem to be a contender.

Black Swan
Oh boy, another strong entry for best picture. And Natalie Portman - wow! I honestly don't know what else to say... what was real, what wasn't real? There is really no way of knowing - we were in the character's head. Ms. Portman has the best actress award all but locked and yes, it is obvious now that she is completely deserving. The timid, reserved, perfectionist dancer that unravels into madness is pitch perfect. The finale performance was captivating although I really wanted to see what happened the day after...

True Grit
I love the Coen brothers - they have a style that is completely recognizable yet completely unexplainable. I enjoyed this movie but it isn't at the top of my list. One of my friends opined that Hailee Steinfeld's performance was one note and she was too unflinching for a 14 year old witnessing gruesome happenings. I somewhat agree but I think there were moments of softness and apprehension. I was actually most taken with Josh Brolin's performance - he was   unrecognizable... and Barry Pepper too was stellar. I'm still working on the Coen Brothers symbolism in this one but there is are definitely noticeable images and references to corpses and coffins. Watch for it.

Toy Story 3
I was probably the least excited for this one - maybe not as extreme as Precious last year but still, I felt forced into watching this one. I kinda feel like since the animated movies have been given their own category they should not be considered for the Best Picture but I know, that's not fair. Since foreign films can be cosidered for Best Picture, these should be too. Anyway, I digress, it was a cute movie, Pixar has a pretty good formula here, although I can't believe that some of the characters and situations weren't traumatizing for the kiddies... go ahead, google the image for the Big Baby character and tell me you think it's fine for kids... or is it just me? Another question, if the movie made it to Best Picture list, does this make it a guaranteed win for Best Animated feature?

The Kids Are All Right
I had heard from a few sources that this movie was a little slow moving but I didn't find a problem with the pacing. The acting from the whole cast was pitch perfect but oh, Annette Bening stole this show. I found myself suddenly torn for the Best Actress catagory. While I love Natalie Portman's performance I would argue that the very realistic acting style of this movie, portraying a "slice of life" if you will, is much more difficult to act than the showy style of Black Swan. Agree/disagree? I dare you to watch the dinner scene where Annette Bening's character does a 180 degree swing as she realizes she has been betrayed, and not feel every single emotion with her. Annette Bening teaches a master class, and although I don't think she'll be able to break Natalie Portman's streak, she is long overdue for her Oscar. How come they don't have ties anymore?

Other nominated movies I still want to see: Barney's Version, Blue Valentine, Rabbit Hole... hmmm, what else?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Reducing Franco

I was just perusing my favorite blog and I felt the need to share my own opinion, not so candy-coated... about James Franco.
It is almost time to get cracking on Oscar prediction tracking (speaking of... who is hosting our annual Oscar viewing party this year, I wonder?) and James Franco is going to be all up in our faces come Oscar time, as host and maybe nominee.
I'm afraid I've been swayed in my good opinion of James Franco by a certain cynical gossip blogger, so fair warning, this is what influenced his fall from grace...

At first I didn't want to believe that the ego of James Franco had taken over but this video (start at 20:25) was uncomfortable to watch... and the body language of the other actors around the table says that they were embarrassed for him too. Also, this is just a great video from an acting perspective... getting actors around a table talking about their craft is always fascinating.
And I think Nic and I can at least agree that we heart Colin Firth! Still friends, right?

Red Recruited Again...

It has been epically slow in C-Town on the acting front and I feel like I have been adrift with nothing on the horizon. I have received a few mass emails from my agent about non-union indie stuff that I can't do because "I work Actra". Great.
Sidebar: Why can't my agent create some simple email lists? Like union vs non-union or male vs female? Simple enough concept right? RIGHT?
And back in November my agent gave me some feedback about two radio commercial auditions from the auditioners that totally didn't match my experience with them. Talk about an ego blow. I mean I didn't bomb but the auditioners direction led me further away from what they wanted. I was also motivated to take an acting class but I chickened out. Yep, that's what I did... and it was too expensive and I couldn't decide which one would be more worthwhile. And hey, my life has been full and busy lately...

So imagine my surprise Monday to get a call begging me to teach a children's drama class for the next day! What, no, I couldn't possibly, it's been years, I'm not even an employee anymore, 8-10 yr olds - eek!!
But my sense of duty of course won out and I agreed. Who panicked? - not me... well maybe a little.

What happened, you ask? Well, just like riding a bike apparently... the class was awesome, I enjoyed myself - the kids loved me, they weren't little devils (some classes are full of them!)... I was tempted to offer to teach the full term. I only committed to one more week though - see how that goes.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Wintered Out!

It's a blustery day here in Cowtown; a day where most people stay in and listen to the wind howl from the comfort of home. Winter has been unrelenting since October it seems. Sure we've had a couple of small chinooks but it didn't melt all the snow. Today, of course, we braved the arctic gale force winds to go out shopping for shelves and plumbing supplies. Exciting I know. What a way to kick off the 2011 blog list!

As per usual I have too many topics that need updating and I don't know where to start. Books, movies, life as I know it? Hmmm... how about books - I am back on a reading kick, thank goodness, because the reading list is starting to pile up again.

Let's backtrack to the "summer" reading list, I did complete a few that haven't been reviewed yet.

Furious Love: Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, and the Marriage of the CenturyMy turn for Furious Love finally came through at the library and I must say, it was well worth the wait. The story of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor's life and love together is almost unbelievable in it's excess. They were the first paparazzi obsession, the first Brangelina... the details of their extravagant life are fascinating; like how often they replaced the carpets on their yacht (their main residence) because their plethora of dogs were not potty trained. It was also a very honest portrayal and approved by Ms. Taylor herself.

One Day (Vintage Contemporaries Original)

Yep, another one that was worth the wait. I don't know what I can say about this one that wouldn't cheapen the experience, plus it's been a while so my review isn't that fresh. A fascinating study of modern relationships - how things really are between two people, not your typical perfect romance stuff.

So The Hippopotamus Marsh (reviewed earlier) was part of a trilogy and of course, I've been working my way through the whole set all the while enjoying the books but feeling like I had to get through them to enjoy the others on my list.
Volume Two: The Oasis: Lords of the Two Lands TrilogyThe Horus Road (Lords of the Two Lands, Vol. 3)

Next up, my new Nora Roberts book I got in my stocking... although Santa gave me book four of a quartet so I'll have to backtrack to the rest of them. Darn these trilogies and quartets... I have a whole stack of other books too, stay tuned!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sheepish Red

So... been a while. Again. Yes, I feel sheepish for my lack of news.

This is my sheepish face... well actually, it's is the woeful face of my new puppy after her bath.

She doesn't like baths.

Her name is Fernie and she is a rescue from Mexico - as far as we can tell, she does not speak Spanish.

This blogging thing is going to take some re-learning... it's been that long.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm Beet... the most productive day ever!

I know I've had productive days before but this Sunday takes the cake...

Here's the rundown:
- Walked the dog
- Went to Home Depot
- Did 5 loads of laundry
- Unloaded/reloaded the dishwasher
                                - Painted the large planter for the front step
                                - Washed the dog's kennel
                                - Picked most of the beets and carrots
                                - Helped hubby build a shed
                                - Washed vegetables from the garden
                                - Made shepherd's pie for dinner
                                - Walked the dog again
                                - Cooked up the beets and made beetroot hummus
                                - Cleaned up the kitchen after my spree
                                - Started reading Furious Love (I love it so far!)

And the sun was finally shining so it really was a fantastic day!      

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Red's Summer Reading List continued...

So things must be really slow in my life if I have nothing to post but reading lists - right? Oh well, c'est la vie. I wanted to focus on more reading than tv this summer and I've been doing pretty good. Here we go...

I broke down and ordered a bunch of books online - as much as I love wandering the bookstores and library, the hold lists for popular books can be too long and it's really cheap to order online.

And of course the giddiness that comes with a new box of books means that I had to set aside my library books for a bit.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 
I was not ready for this one! Understatement. I guess I just really didn't expect it to be so graphic in it's depiction of human depravity. But the characters were incredibly rich and the mystery was so layered. I changed my mind on the "who dun it" so many times that I think it's fair to say I didn't guess right.
I started the first few pages of the next book and had to put it down. Child sex slavery?! Oh my... need to fortify up the stomach for that one - and no reading at night!

The White Queen: A Novel (Hardcover)

Yes, I finished the White Queen, after a bit of a pause. It got really good and then really boring and then really, really intriguing and then - it ended. Suddenly. So suddenly that I actually had to go to the computer and look up the historical outcome to the story. Again why build up this epic story and then not finish it. I guess the reader is supposed to be smart enough to know the historical outcome and chuckle at what is going to happen to the main character...

Volume One: Hippopotamus Marsh: Lords of the Two Lands Trilogy

I was very good and made myself start another library book before getting to far into my box of purchases. And I'm only in about three or so chapters. Pauline Gedge is a favorite author of mine - the detail she writes with really pull you into that time and place. Most of her books are set in ancient Egypt and yet she's a homegrown author from Alberta. 

Aside from my summer reading list - this week I also caught a summer cold. Fun! So I spent Monday and Tuesday sick and home and found myself staring into the box of books and accidentally picking up eat pray love and starting it. I know I'm a little late to the game on this one, and in terms of being a bandwagon jumper I normally try to rebel but this one got to me, despite the hype and the movie and Oprah, etc. This is an amazingly written book. You feel like the author is talking directly to you and her honesty and openness is really refreshing. Of course I finished it on Tuesday.

And so the summer of reading continues - I have a friend who read this blog and wound up buying "One Day" and loving it - so I don't have to wait for my turn in the hold line (I should have bought it) and my turn is almost up for the library copy of "Furious Love". And my True Blood obsession will continue with books 6 and 7!