Saturday, January 22, 2011

Red Recruited Again...

It has been epically slow in C-Town on the acting front and I feel like I have been adrift with nothing on the horizon. I have received a few mass emails from my agent about non-union indie stuff that I can't do because "I work Actra". Great.
Sidebar: Why can't my agent create some simple email lists? Like union vs non-union or male vs female? Simple enough concept right? RIGHT?
And back in November my agent gave me some feedback about two radio commercial auditions from the auditioners that totally didn't match my experience with them. Talk about an ego blow. I mean I didn't bomb but the auditioners direction led me further away from what they wanted. I was also motivated to take an acting class but I chickened out. Yep, that's what I did... and it was too expensive and I couldn't decide which one would be more worthwhile. And hey, my life has been full and busy lately...

So imagine my surprise Monday to get a call begging me to teach a children's drama class for the next day! What, no, I couldn't possibly, it's been years, I'm not even an employee anymore, 8-10 yr olds - eek!!
But my sense of duty of course won out and I agreed. Who panicked? - not me... well maybe a little.

What happened, you ask? Well, just like riding a bike apparently... the class was awesome, I enjoyed myself - the kids loved me, they weren't little devils (some classes are full of them!)... I was tempted to offer to teach the full term. I only committed to one more week though - see how that goes.

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