Since my last book review post I have polished off four books, and two halves, one half not worth mentioning. Here goes:
This happens to be the tv movie I worked on so I was curious about the book - also the whole polygamy as religion thing is fascinating to me. This book has two narratives going on at once. The first is a fictional autobiography of Ann Eliza Young - a real person and the 19th Wife of Brigham Young. And the second is a modern day murder mystery set at a polygamy compound with an outcast son returning when his mother is accused. It was a pretty good read with a great history of polygamy in America and plenty of shocking details of the hidden world of polygamy. My main complaint was the ending seemed rushed or incomplete. This elaborate world is painstakingly set up and the ending just sort of wraps it all up without the same level of detail.
So this was a fairly easy read - I finished it in about a day - but it was captivating and funny. The characters are incredibly rich and I can see why Hollywood jumped on it.
I also think there is a bit of who-dun-it on the author's part because she sets up the end scene at the beginning of the book and then when we get to the end, something is different. So which version is correct? Has the old man re-written his memories? I don't want to give it away but this one is a great summer read.
This one was an accidental grab at the library. I think Carrie Fisher is a hysterically funny person and refreshingly honest about the Hollywood life. And I was curious about her work as an author. The beginning storyline was amazing, but when she switched focus onto a different character I seriously lost interest. And it was very different from what I thought the movie was about. I guess I'm going to have to track it down and watch it. Note how often I read books that have a movie version (completed or in the works). My hubby hates reading a book that has become a movie but me, I think I love it!
So I am currently about halfway through this one, written by the same author as The Other Boleyn Girl and I must say this isn't as captivating. I know once I open it again it will draw me in but it doesn't burn in my brain the way other historical novels have.
What's next on my list? I can't wait for these ones... but the hold lists are too long so I may have to make a purchase!
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